Nashville: Fabric, Quilts and Fun!

Last fall, I had the opportunity to visit Nashville for a long weekend. Since QuiltCon 2019 (held in Nashville this year!) is right around the corner, I thought I’d share some of my favorite fabric, quilt and general fun highlights from the weekend. If you’re in town, I definitely recommend checking them out. If you’re in […]

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7 tips for piecing curves

Detail of Picnic Petals is a modern quilt based on a traditional Flowering Snowball block. Pattern by Whole Circle Studio.

One of my favorite techniques to teach is piecing curves. Curves are magical—they look complicated to do, but they’re really not. So many quilters are intimidated by curves but if you can sew a ¼” seam you can sew beautiful curves. Seriously. All you need are some tips, a bit of patience and practice. To […]

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