finished Paparazzi mini quilt

I just finished up photographing, documenting and shipping out one of my latest finished quilts… Paparazzi! Inspired by the design of a camera shutter, I originally created a variation of this quilt as a thank you gift for a friend who is a professional photographer. This design incorporates a paper pieced block repeated 8 times. […]

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Northern Star Quilt Show

One of my 2015 goals is to enter my original quilts into local and national quilt shows as well as other venues that have “call for entries”. It’s a bit scary putting yourself out there, but my mantra this year is “nothing ventured, nothing gained”. Plus, it’s great exposure and you never know who will […]

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FMQ with Leah Day!

Last weekend, I headed up to Manchester, New Hampshire with two other members of my local modern quilt guild. We checked out the annual MQX Quilt Festival. MQX celebrates all things machine quilting—from those who quilt on a small domestic machine (like my traditional sewing machine) to huge long arm machines with fancy computers that […]

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water inspired block design—in progress

I’ve been working on a water inspired block design (to be released in June—stay tuned for details). Only one will be distributed and I’m really eager to get other quilter’s comments. These sketches are meant just for rough design—not necessarily final colors (and prints could be integrated). Would you want to make any of these? […]

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coming to terms with stitches…

Has anyone out there ever quilted with black thread? I started quilting my black/white/aqua stripe quilt (name hasn’t come to me yet—open to ideas!) yesterday morning. I started with a few lines of white stitches—as usual with the Juki and Aurifil Mako 50wt, the stitch quality is beautiful. They’re well defined and distinct. I then […]

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what I’ve been up to…

It’s full speed ahead in the studio. March has been full of designing and making. Here are a few projects in various stages: completed, almost completed and in progress 1. Aperture (completed): inspired by my photographer friend Heather (there’s a second one in progress!) 2. Need a title—anyone have any ideas? Leave a reply below! […]

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QuiltCon 2015 Hightlights!

I’ve been home from Austin for a little less than a week and am still basking in the afterglow of QuiltCon. It was an amazing 5 days. Actually, that’s an understatement. Attending QuiltCon confirmed that the modern quilting community is where I belong. Having been an artist/designer all my life, I’ve been a member of […]

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QuiltCon or bust!

Okay, I have to admit… when the Modern Quilt Guild announced QuiltCon dates over a year ago, I made a completely refundable hotel reservation but didn’t think I was going to really go. Wow—so much quilty goodness has happened in the last year that I couldn’t imagine NOT going! For those who don’t know what […]

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